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Moving Up the Ranks




Moving Up the Ranks


In the system of karate that I practice (Shito-Kai), there is 9 gradings before you reach black belt.  These are called KYU's.  You move backwards from 9th Kyu to 1st Kyu - From White to Black.  Once you reach the level of a black belt, you then move through Dan gradings.  Sometimes these are called "degrees".  The highest rank you can get to is 9th Dan.


Kihon - Basics








Basics are the Foundation!





Kihon - Basics








Basics are the Foundation!





Kihon Waza means "Basics" or the foundations of karate.  Basics include:

  1. Stances - positions of the feet
  2. Movement - In eight different directions
  3. Defenses - there are five principles of defense in the karate I practice
  4. Blocks - a type of defense from an attacker.  There are many blocks
  5. Punches - using your arms to attack
  6. Kicks - using your feet to attack
  7. Kata - forms (some video are provided on this website)
  8. Kumite - part of karate in which a person trains against an opponent


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Kata - Forms

Kata is my favorite part of Karate!








Kata - Forms

Kata is my favorite part of Karate!





"Kata" is the Japanese word describing detailed patterns of movements practiced either solo or in pairs.  This a list of the katas that I have links to videos for you to watch.  It ranges from the basic katas to some of my favorites.

Some Basic Katas:

  • Heian Nidan - this is the first "Heian" kata you will learn.  It is needed for your second test (8th Kyu grading)

  • Heian Sandan - this is required for your 7th Kyu test
  • Heian Shodan - this is also required for your 7th Kyu
  • Heian Yondon - this is required for your 6th Kyu
  • Heian Godan - this is required for your 5th Kyu

Here are some links to some of my favorite katas that I have learned

  • Shisochin
  • Matsumura ha Bassai
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Kumite is basically fightning an opponent.  You train to defend yourself if necessary, but even in competition kumite, there is little or no contact.  Kumite is an opportunity to try new things and put into practice the things you have learned.

Here is a video of the Karate Rules for Scoring under WKF (World Kararte Federation) Rules


Here is a demonstration of penalties:






















Competing in Karate





















Competing in Karate

Competing in karate is something I love to do!  I started competiting when I was six years old in local and international events.  This is a list of the tournaments that I regularily attend

  1. Zone 6 Qualifers
  2. Provincial Championships
  3. KBC Open Championship
  4. CR Shito Ryu Friendship Tournament
  5. Comox Valley Friendship Tournament
  6. Duncan Island Championships
  7. Steveston International
  8. Sato Cup
  9. Shito Ryu Pan American Championship - Attended 2012 in Gatineau, Quebec & 2014 in Cancun Mexico
  10. USA Open Karate Championship & Junior Interntional


Here are some of my favorite videos - some of my friends and some of just different competitors at different events:


This is my buddy Kyle Barnes (we call him Murph) - he is one of the best fighters in our club and I hope one day I can kick like him

Team NWSK Gold Medal Performance at the 2014 Provincial Karate Championships.  Jenna Scott, Alex Movold and Kyle Barnes

This is a video of the final 4 on 4 Male Team Kata 2012 of Turkey vs France - The guy in blue shows no fear and in the end is sucessful!